Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hollywood Filming Equipment

Every one loves watching Block Buster Hollywood Films. A different style of color look, VFX, Sound Effects, Motion graphics, Green screen effects etc... are highlights in Hollywood films. They are really cool and awesome.

Lets see what kind of equipment they use. Like cameras, Editing software, and programs etc...
  • Cameras
  • Editing software
  • Sound FX

  • Cameras 

  • Hollywood films raised in 1890's after invention of Motion Picture camera. Motion picture cameras use different formats of film like 25MM, 35MM, 75MM etc... to record video footage. After shooting, these films are processed to get final output of movie. This kind of cameras are called Analog or Classic Motion Picture Cameras.

    "The Last Broadcast" is The first feature Length film shot, edited and projected fully in digital, It was released in January 1998.Digital motion picture cameras record video in  four types of resolution like Full HD (1920x1080), 2K (2048x1080), 4K (4096x2160) & 8K (7680x4320).

    Most of the Hollywood Directors use 4K (4096X2160) Resolution cameras to shoot. Some of the Digital Motion Picture Camera Manufacturers are RED, SONY, CANON, ARRI, BLACK MAGIC etc...


  • High Eng Video Editing Softwares are used to edit Hollywood Films. There are two types of editing systems. Most of the hollywood movies are edited using Non-Linear Editing Systems. Some of the most popular professional Video Editing Softwares are AVID, APPLE FINAL CUT PRO, ADOBE PREMIERE PRO. These are the most popular Video Editing Softwares. Major hollywood Films like Avatar, Transformers, Iron Man, The avengers, The Expendables, Super Man Returns, etc... are edited in Avid.

    VFX & ANIMATION Play a major role in Hollywood Films. ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS, NUKE, AUTODESK MAYA, 3DS MAX, CINEMA 4D are major VFX " ANIMATION Softwares. Blur Studio, Cinesite, Digital Domain, Digital Media Factory, Flash Film,Works, Image Engine, Weta Digital, Induatrial,Light & Magic are Top VFX Companies.

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